Monday, 31 July 2017

Recycling tip of the week

 Please put all lids in the red bin including ice cream lids NOT IN THE RECYCLING BIN

Monday, 24 July 2017

Baby News!!!

Ms Risk is very pleased to announce the arrival of Mr Edward Glyn Pepler. He is a pretty happy chappy at the moment (this of course may change as he gets a bit bigger and stronger!!!) He is currently in the NICU as he was born at 33.6 weeks and so needs some help with his breathing (mostly sorted now) and he became jaundice ( but he had some pretty cool blue lights to help with that -  phototherapy). 
He is now out of the the incubator and is building up his strength and stamina to breastfeed - the green tube on his face if a nasogastric tube that goes down into his tummy so that milk can be delivered straight into his tummy. 
His vital stats or fast facts are:
Born on 7/7/17 at 16:16 weighing 2.51kg or 5.5pounds (good numbers eh!!!)
As you can tell this is Ms Risk talking!!