Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Survival in the Water

Todays swimming was all about survival and safe ways of exiting into the water. The children were very brave as falling backwards from a boat into the water is not the most comfortable feeling. Well done everyone. You did well!

Monday, 29 May 2017

Egg Drop Competition

Egg drop competition
Year 5-8

The goal of the competition is to create the lightest, smallest egg-cradling device capable of protecting an uncooked, small egg during a single-storey fall.

The event will be held at 12.45pm on Monday 19th June outside Rm 13

Egg drop rules.
·       Nothing can be permanently attached to the egg.
·       Your container must be in free fall during the drop. No bungee cords.
·       Your Egg must not be cooked or coated with any material.
·       No parachutes, wings or lighter than air substances are permissible.
·       Your container should be made predominantly of recycled materials.
·       No commercial packaging materials are permitted to be used including bubble-wrap, egg cartons. Cotton balls, babies nappies and Styrofoam.
·       No liquids or food substances are permitted
·       Volume will be calculated based on one of four shapes (sphere, cylinder, rectangular prism (box) or pyramid. Inside air volume will not be subtracted out. Shape dimensions and volume shall be noted on your device in centimetres cubed. If you have any difficulties in calculating volume please see Mr Roberts
·       The mass of your device (in grams) should also be recorded on your device.

·       In the event of more than one successful drop the winner will be decided by the lowest score based on the following formula: Volume (in cubic centimetres) x twice the mass (in grams).

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Our Pioneering Swimmers

Swimming has been fantastic this week. The children have had their swimming togs at school each day and have taken part in the survival activities with enthusiasm. We have been most impressed with their willingness to try things they may not always be entirely comfortable with. Go Navigators 3 Pod. You are amazing.

Sorting Groups
Practising on our back


Getting ready for the PJ swim which was so much harder.



                                 More PJ swimming


Trying to swim/move through a pathway which had waves, choppy seas and currents.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

PJ Day on Wednesday

The instructors at Pioneer have asked the children to bring their pyjamas, long sleeved and long legged ones please. NO ONESIES. This is do to with their Water Safety programme.

Swimming Tomorrow

Hi All,

Don't for get your togs tomorrow - no skinny dipping allowed!!!!  😂😂😂

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

River Clean Up

James also did the river bank clean up with the Scouts. Well done Scouts. It's great to have people like you in our community.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Maya and Thelma return from their Intrepid Travels

This Term we have welcomed back Maya and Thelma after their interesting trips abroad.

Thelma went to Prague and Europe to visit family and friends. Whilst she was away she keep in touch via email and postcards. Thelma also remembered her Eco-Action learning and investigated how they deal with rubbish in Europe differently to in New Zealand.

Maya also had a big trip to Ireland via LA. Maya was representing New Zealand at the world Irish Dancing Championships!!! She had an incredible time and also stayed in touch via email and postcards. We were all super proud of her efforts on the international stage!

Saturday, 13 May 2017

The Mother of All Clean ups along the river banks

Well done Sally and her family for helping to clean up along the river banks today. Sally, the ecowarrior, send in these pictures. If you also helped send me photos so I can post them too.
The top photo was of an interesting basket fungus that Sally found.

Everyone doing the clean up

Sally's family helping to pick up rubbish.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Scarlett and Mack's trip to Vietnam

Scarlett told us about her trip to Vietnam where she spent a month traveling in the more northern ares of the country. She told us lots of her highlights of the trip and about the food and the money. Both Scarlett and Mack were horrified about the amount of rubbish left lying around. If you want a more detailed account of their trip go to their blog on the side bar of this blog. (Scarlett's blog).